Critical Alignment Therapy & Yoga
Institute, Moscow
I came to yoga by accident; out of curiosity. There seemed to be a lot flexibility, strength and stamina in yoga. It is beautiful. Quite quickly I decided to join a teacher's course on Hatha-yoga in order to understand how to exercise correctly at home. However, my body immediately informed me of my limitations and didn't agree to my attempts at hanumanasana or samokanasana. Deep backbends were the stuff of dreams. What kind of body "strike" was that?

I used to be able to do more and better. I couldn't understand. "OK, that means I need to put more effort in," I told myself and almost injured my sacroiliac joints, hamstrings and my right knee. That sobered me up and I realized that 'more' doesn't equal 'better'. I was sad for a couple of months. Fortunately, the universe had better plans for me and I got to attend the critical alignment method presentation. That was it! I fell in love. And found answers to all my questions.

What can you get from doing critical alignment yoga? The following things will happen: your posture will improve, as will the flexibility of the spine and joints. Therefore, headaches, along with neck and lower back pains disappear. Tension in the body leaves, whilst lightness and freedom arrives. I'll explain to you how and why the tension appears in the body and how to work with it. For example, how the arm connects to the thoracic spine in the movement and how it can help to release the neck, and why massage often only gives temporary results.

As a rule, after the class you feel and understand your body better, recovery after a stressful situation happens faster, and your general state of wellbeing gets better. Come to classes, you will definitely find something useful and interesting for yourself.
Anastasia Batova
13:00 - 14:00 J-Spine. Upper back 60'
14:00 - 15:00 J-Spine. Lower back 60'
18:00 - 19:30 CA Yoga BEGINNERS 90'
09:00 - 10:00 CA Yoga-Therapy 60'
10:30 - 12:00 CA Yoga BEGINNERS 90'
12:30 - 14:00 CA After-Therapy 90'
11:30 - 13:00 CA Yoga BEGINNERS 90'
13:15 - 14:15 CA Yoga-Therapy 60'
2002-2008гг. ММА им. И.М. Сеченова. Специальность «Лечебное дело»
2008 – 2009гг. интернатура. Специальность «Неврология»
2010г. – РМАПО профессиональна переподготовка по специальности «Мануальная терапия»
2011г. – РМАПО профессиональна переподготовка по специальности «Физиотерапия»
2015г. – МГМСУ им. А.И. Евдокимова повышение квалификации специальности «Мануальная терапия»
2016г. – РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова повышение квалификации по специальности «Физиотерапия»
2016–2017гг. — Обучение в центре йоги «Прана», под руководством Михаила Галаева и Дмитрия Демина.
Январь 2017г. — Семинар «Отстройки и правки асан» Михаила Галаева и Дмитрия Демина.
Весна 2017г. — Сертификационный курс Херта ван Льюэна «Йогатерапия по методу критического выравнивания».
Осень 2017г. — Семинар Яколин Норден (ведущий преподаватель Critical Alignment Institute).
Февраль 2018г. - Сертификационный курс Херта ван Льюэна «Йогатерапия по методу критического выравнивания».
Июль 2018г. – Ретрит с Хертом ван Льюеном во Франции, на Валдае
Октябрь 2018г. – Сертификационный курс по йоге критического выравнивания
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